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Frequently Asked Question

1. Why did you choose Chiropractic as your health care specialty, Dr. Doyle?

After years of highly competitive athletics (Junior Hockey, Baseball, Soccer and Rugby) injuries took their toll. After being prescribed medication after medication, and praying that the next one was going to be the miracle that would "cure" me, I observed that my back and neck conditions were getting worse and worse over time, even during pain free periods.

It is with tremendous gratitude and fortune that I was introduced to a world renowned Chiropractor who was capable of teaching me the overwhelming value of THE "active", and often misperceived, healthcare called Chiropractic.

The "wait and see", pill popping "disease care" that is prevalent in our society today was not making progress in my conditions. Chiropractic gave me my life back.

If I had to wait for pills and surgery to get me going, I would never be where I am today.

As more people learn how to take care of their bodies and seek Chiropractic care for degenerative disease prevention, spinal strength and fitness, and injury rehab, overall health care costs plummet.

2. Dr Doyle, why do you put so much emphasis on muscle rehabilitation, especially isometric exercise procedures?

This question is best answered by one of my gurus: "Spinal muscles are made up of two types of fibers: phasic and postural. Most muscles contain both types of fibers but one can be predominant within a muscle. Kinetic exercises like those used in gyms work for phasic muscles. They'll gain strength and endurance within 90 days. Postural muscles require exercising eight times longer. And they respond best to isometric exercise."
- Dr. Burl Pettibon - ©2004 Pettibon System, Inc. All Rights Reserved

3. How does The Wobble Chair used in your office address the aging process positively?

"'You're just getting older' is a catch-all for common musculoskeletal complaints of neck, arm, shoulder, back, and leg pain. It's a feeble explanation, especially when the pain can be eliminated and the cause of spinal dysfunction and pathology can be arrested, reversed, and prevented.

"All of the chemicals and materials of normal spinal discs are present even in pathological and aged spinal discs. But spinal discs don't have their own blood supply so there has to be another way to pump the nutritious fluids into discs and then squeeze out wastes. While physical activity can create a pumping force, Vert Mooney, M.D., a world-renown researcher and orthopedic surgeon cites loading and unloading the lumbar discs as the best way to create a pumping force that produces fluid exchange. And that's exactly what the Wobble Chair does. For a strong, healthy, pain-free back at any age, we prescribe performing loading and unloading exercises with the Wobble Chair twice daily."
- Dr. Burl Pettibon - ©2004 Pettibon System, Inc. All Rights Reserved

4. Can exercise balls have the same effect as the Wobble Chair?

"No! Exercise balls can cause the pelvis to be shifted from side-to-side and front-to-back but they don't allow the pelvis to wobble as needed to pump the discs. For the best results, the pivot area should be no larger than the size of the lumbar disc."
- Dr. Burl Pettibon - ©2004 Pettibon System, Inc. All Rights Reserved

5. Do I have to worry about X-Ray radiation exposure?

Just like any form of stress to the body, at high levels, radiation can have a deleterious effect. But here are some details for you to consider (or, Debunking the myth about x-rays with facts):

The accepted cumulative dose of ionizing radiation during pregnancy is 5 rads; the most sensitive time is between 10 and 17 weeks.

  1. Two routine chest x-rays = .00007 rad.
  2. Radiation to the fetus shouldn't exceed 10,000 millirads.
  3. Annual environmental radiation is 300 millirads/year which equals 12 chest x-rays.
  4. Our typical X-ray Series (6 views) = 20 millirads.
  5. To exceed 10,000 millirads would take 3,124 x-rays.

©2004 Pettibon System, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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